# This doc explains the steps to be taken to create hippocanvas .dll for windows Create hippo.dll and libhippocanvas-1-0 wrapper using python2.6 http://blog.thamini.com/xat/openerp-gtk-client-howto-compiling-hippo-canvas-library-win32 Problems faced and its solutions: --------------------------------- 1: Admin@XP> cat </cygdrive/c/Compile/pygtk-codegen-2.0 #!/bin/sh C:/Python27/python.exe 'C:/Python27/Lib/site-packages/gtk-2.0/codegen/codegen.py' "$@" EOF above command could not create pygtk-codegen-2.0.py with "$@" instead it create "" so we need to manually edit "" --> "$@" Note: if you are using windows editor then don't forget to convert back file format to unix format using Cygwin dos2unix.exe utilities otherwise it's gave '$'\r': command not found error at ./configure 2: when we create dll of http://svn.gnome.org/svn/hippo-canvas/trunk and ported it to OpenERP Client it's produce glib error because python wrapper for this trunk version is broken I download latest version of hippo through http://git.gnome.org/browse/hippo-canvas/ and revert up Bump release number to 0.3.1 because after that it's remove python binding due to hippo support GTK introspection and it's work fine with OpenERP Client